We actively partner with eco communities, as part of our commitment to promote eco-friendly lifestyle, especially in laundry.

Zero Waste Indonesia

Indonesia’s 1st online platform that promotes zero waste lifestyle.

Setali Indonesia

Sustainable fashion movement through decluttering and thrifting.

Jawa Pos Multimedia

Local TV station.

Kertabumi Recycling Center

Social-entrepreneurship promoting waste management and sustainable lifestyle

Greeneration Foundation

A non-governmental organization focusing on waste management issues by utilizing creative media in improving people’s behavior to implement Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) in Indonesia


Petikine berasal dari kata Petik & Kine campuran bahasa indonesia dan bahasa jepang. Petik berati memetik sedangkan Kine artinya memadatkan tanah. Petikine adalah sebuah platform media yang berfokus kepada penyebaran informasi dan edukasi mengenai gaya hidup sehat dan berkelanjutan kepada masyarakat luas.

Siklus Indonesia

Siklus is a non-profit organization working in the area of public health. Siklus was establish in 2010 by NGO professionals who have extensive experiences working in the area of public health. Siklus own team members with diverse backgrounds and expertise including research, program, designing, planning and implementation, and training. The team members have experiences and ability to work at local to national level.